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Through the triptych and poem Knotenpunkte – Wendepunkte I tell of biographies – of life writings – very general and yet very personal.

It is a collage on high-quality passpartout cardboard.

The unique piece is hand-signed and was professionally inlaid by the Boesner frame workshop in Cologne. The unique piece is hand-signed

junctions – turning points

I write

junctions – turning points

paths condense - cross each other

meet - separate

looking for new horizons

life – giving – finding

hoping for direction – discovering goals

people - thoughts - feelings find each other

nodes – moments of being

open ending - feelings of chaos

splinter and light

penetrate the yesterday of the spider webs

today – yes – today –

we continue to work

connect the nodes - the points

the hope of life and explode that

nodes - tight - dense - light - clarity - love

hope - faith - powerful in actions –

waking thoughts

trust in tomorrow

nodes cross and points – nodes

awaken – enliven – move

bring together

write down - writings of life

today and tomorrow - hubs

- Anne Kempman

Nodes. Triptychon.

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